Wooten Park needs you! Join the park improvement committee.

As surrounding parks like Brentwood see substantial improvement and increased use by residents of North Central Austin, Wooten’s park has stayed relatively undeveloped and underutilized. We can change that – but it will take a concerted, sustained effort over a period of years, with an eye on incremental progress.

Several neighbors have expressed interest in starting a non-profit organization to lobby for and oversee improvements and maintenance of the park – the same approach taken (very successfully) by Friends of Brentwood Park.  Several experienced park advocates have offered to help advise us along the way – but it will require a dedicated group of people willing to see this through.

Interested in helping? Support can come in any form – from joining us for park work days to planning conference calls with the city, attending city meetings, or meeting with area residents and businesses to gain support for the project. To be notified of upcoming park planning events, sign up today.

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