WNA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, 10.29.13

Wooten Neighborhood Association
Minutes from the Executive Committee Meeting, October 29, 2013

President Chris Gregory called the meeting to order at 6:02pm.


Marilyn Rogers suggested having a number of committee chairs for WNA. She suggested that WNA should focus on two main issues: crime watch and the park. However, we can’t let other issues be ignored, so we should have committees or representatives devoted to these topics. The Executive Committee also came up with nominees/suggestions for various WNA members who could represent these committees (noted below):

  • Sustainable neighborhood team – Carolyn Spock
  • Capital metro/transportation issues – Dave Tomlinson
  • Gault Co-op – TBD
  • The park – Laura Tomlinson and Joanne Clem Garrett
  • The newsletter – Betsy Thaggard
  • Communications subcommittee (for news releases, etc.) – Dale Ritzen
  • Crime watch sign installation – Marilyn Rogers
  • Recycling block leaders – TBD
  • Neighborhood plan contact team – Adam Turner
  • Crime committee – TBD

For the transportation issues subcommittee, it was suggested that the representative could tackle future light rail consideration issues and communications. For the recycling block leaders, this assignment would be one per block throughout the neighborhood, but will depend on interest. Marilyn will write an article for the recycle corner in the next newsletter soliciting participation. For the crime committee, it was decided that we will need someone really eager to lead the effort.

Crime/Security Issues

Chris explained that we have four “Crime Watch” magnets for cars that can display them as they drive through the neighborhood. It was determined that we will ask at the next WNA meeting for people eager to display them on their cars for the next few months.

Chris said he will ask Officer Hebbe to keep coming to each WNA meeting, but thought we should make sure he doesn’t feel bombarded by questions. Chris said he plans to give Officer Hebbe a heads up about various concerns before each meeting. As we want to be considerate of his time with us, Chris suggested we have him come for 15 minutes at a time each meeting.

One of the main issues that has come up is the properties that back up to the train tracks are not being monitored. Joanne said she had talked to the officer about possibly getting cameras on the tracks. Joanne also said she has a friend who is knowledgeable about private security cameras, who had brought up the issue of lack of lighting in Wooten Park. Joanne said her friend would love to come to one of the meetings to talk to people about safety/security. Chris asked that this person come to talk in January.

Chris suggested possibly using a program called “Celly” to send text updates about security and crime to WNA members. Joanne said this would be good for older residents who don’t access Facebook or the Yahoo group, but do have cell phones. Sarah said it would be is similar to APD’s “Citizen Observer” system that Officer Hebbe mentioned at the last WNA meeting.

Marilyn said that we need someone from WNA to attend the APD commander’s forum, and that hopefully the crime watch subcommittee representative could do this.

Park Updates

The tree planting is still set for Saturday, Dec. 7 from 9am to 12pm. Laura Tomlinson said that she will contact Wooten Elementary and Burnet Middle School PTAs for volunteers. Laura picked up free plants from Keep Austin Beautiful that will need to be planted in the park near the new sign. A tentative date of Nov. 16 was set for this. Joanne asked if the city still gives away mulch from their Christmas trees; Laura said she will look into it. Someone suggested getting drinks, snacks, etc. for the tree planting; Mi Tiendita has expressed interest in donating. Marissa suggested creating a Facebook event to encourage attendance and get the word out about the event.

PayPal/Garage Sale

Sarah said she created a PayPal account (parkfund@wootenna.com) just for park funding, but some people have misinterpreted it to mean they can pay their dues through that account as well. Marilyn explained that there is already a separate PayPal account for paying dues. Sarah asked if we should create a third account for advertisers. Someone asked if we could have one account, but three options for the type of payment people can make. Sarah said she would look into this. Although PayPal will deduct 2.2% plus $0.30 for every transaction, the committee’s consensus was not to raise dues amounts or advertising rates, but to encourage members paying dues to do so via cash or check, if possible.

Laura also mentioned that she wants to go around to businesses in the area seeking donations.


Chris suggested purchasing nametags for future meetings to help people identify each other, and not feel so anonymous at the meetings. The committee agreed.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:46pm.

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