July 9, 2018 – Meeting Minutes

Wooten Elementary School Library
President David Bouchard called the meeting to Order

Approval of July Minutes

Motion was made to approve minutes motion was second. Motion passed.

Officer Elections

David Bouchard was nominated for the officer position of President. Motion for David Bouchard as president was made, motion was second and motion passed.

Marilyn Rogers was nominated for the officer position of Treasurer. Motion for Marilyn Rogers as Treasurer was made, motion was second and motion passed.

Donny Goff was nominated for the position of Secretary. Motion of Donny Goff as Secretary was made, motion was second and motion passed.

No nominations for Vice-President were made. Dixie Davis will remain in the Officer position of Vice-Chair until nomination is made and approved.


The following topic were discussed by the Wooten Neighborhood Association members:

Treasurer report provided by Marilyn Rogers. Call for membership dues.
Parks Update by Joanne Garret
Austin Police Department Update by Officer Chapman and Commander Mason
Good News by Joanne Garret and David Bouchard and Dixie Davis


Wooten Neighborhood Planning Contact Team (WNPCT) notice of meeting by Adam Turner. Meeting to be held on Monday July 16th at 7:00pm at Shu Shu’s.

David Bouchard Adjourn the meeting.