July 9, 2018 – meeting minutes

Shu Shu’s
President David Bouchard Presiding
Meeting Called to order at 7:05pm

Welcome and Introductions

Approval of May minutes
David called for approval of minutes
Marilyn Rogers moved
Motion Passed

City Council Updates – Michael Gaudini
Michael Gaudini (Policy Advisor, Council Member Leslie Pool) was unable to attend.

WNA Treasury Report – Marylin Rogers
General Funds  – $1,815.61
Park Funds – $1,132.10
Savings – $25

Current membership: 30

Park Updates – Joanne Garret and Laura Tomlinson
Pavillion construction is ongoing. Expected completion – end of July

Wooten Neighborhood 4th of July Parade -About fifty people attended, circled the park for the parade and finished with playtime at the park.

Park Work Day – On July 7th six neighbors volunteered to weed the corner garden bed and pick up trash around the park. Neighbors are encouraged to pick up loose trash when you visit the park.

The next It’s My Park Day is scheduled for early November.

Good News – David Bouchard and Dixie Davis
Neighborhood Newsletter (Q3) edition – those who’d like to assist in the publication and distribution of the newsletter should email vp@wootenna.com

Additional Neighborhood Topics of Interest – Joanne Garrett brought up the 3rd annual Wooten School Supply drive benefitting Wooten Elementary. Supplies accepted until Aug 16.

Nominate Next WNA Officers – officer elections will be held at the September WNA meeting.

National Night Out will be held on October 2. Currently, there are plans for an event in Wooten Park with members of our local Constable’s office in attendance.

Neighborhood Events – David Bouchard
Wootennany – thanks to Autumn and Melinda for organizing the Wootennany at Nosh & Bevvy on June 20. Around 20 neighbors attended the happy hour — many new faces!

Austin police Department Updates – Officer Chapman
Officer Chapman was unable to attend.

Wooten Neighborhood Planning Contact Team (WNPCT) – Adam Turner
The next WNPCT meeting will be held on 7/16 at Nosh and Bevvy.

2018 WNA Meetings – David Bouchard
Construction should be completed at the Redeemer Cafeteria by the next WNA meeting in September.

Laura Tomlinson suggested arranging a ribbon cutting ceremony when the park pavilion is complete.

Adam Turner suggested the installation in Wooten Park of items such as covered trash cans, recycling bins, or signage that discourages littering to alleviate the trash problem.

Adam Turner suggested amending the WNA bylaws to allow for staggered officer terms.

Adam Turner moved to adjourn.
David called the meeting to a close at 7:34pm.