March 12, 2018 – meeting minutes

Redeemer Lutheran Church cafeteria 
President David Bouchard Presiding
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm

Approval of January Minutes 

David called for approval of the minutes. Adam Turner motioned for approval. Steve Rogers second the motion. The motion passed.

City Council Updates – Michael Gaudini (Policy advisor, Council Member Leslie Pool)

Michael was not available for City Council Updates during this meeting.

Wooten Neighborhood Association Treasury Update – Marilyn Rogers

Treasury Report
General Funds has $1,827.81
Parks Fund $942.01
Savings $25.00
Twenty-seven members as of March 11, 2018

Park Update – Laura Tomlinson 

Laura provided a timeline of events for the picnic pavilion in the park.  Major events include those below:
June 2017 grant was awarded to Wooten Parks Committee to build a pavilion.
March 2018 permits approved and pavilion ordered.
April 2018 pre-site prep to include excavation and concrete pouring of slab
June 2018 receive and install the pavilion. Final city inspection.

Grant was awarded by Austin Parks Foundation (APF). Contacts at APF are Katie Robillard and John Rooney. The timeframe for completing the pavilion has been extended to December 2018.

Neighborhood Events

Park Day was held on March 3, 2018. Adam Turner provided a brief update on the event. Approximately 20 residents showed up and provide assistance in maintaining the park area.

A suggestion was made for a Wootennany meet-up in Spring or April. Request for volunteers to organize. Night owl was recommended as a potential meeting location.

Good News 

There is a goal of getting the newsletter out by April. Recommendations for articles included in the newsletter included: update on the picnic park pavilion, information on Meals and Wheels and More, information for new residents, ask Gary Knowles a famous film critic to contribute. Group discussed identifying distribution points of newsletter included possible outside options. Those who have articles they would like to submit should send them to Dixie Davis Vice-president of Wooten Neighborhood Association. Dixie can be reached at

Marilyn Rogers discussed ways to assist with Meals on Wheels and More within the neighborhood. Some recommendations include monetary contributions, signing those in the neighborhood up for service or form a delivery team to distribute meals during the weekdays. For more information or to get involved contact Marilyn at  

Groups discussed options to increase attendance. Possible options include new signage and possible vendors to purchase signs from and the associated cost.

Austin Police Department Updates  – Officer Chapman and Commander Mason

Packages exploding in east Austin. Two individuals have passed due to injuries they sustained from the bombs. These packages are not delivered by normal carriers but are placed on doorsteps overnight. Packages are exploding as soon as manipulated. Many agencies have been deployed to address this issue.

I-35 auto thefts are still an issue. Recommendation to not leave your keys in your car.

Analysis report of the Wooten Neighborhood indicates that 1,700 calls for 22 possible gunshots four most likely gunshots. Two cases were actionable with arrests made. Three in close proximity but different reporters, cannot prove they are related.  Recommendations to have a security camera as they do help solve crimes.

Q: Some construction vehicles have blue lights and can be confused as APD lights. What can be done?
A: Other than police only EMS can have flashing blue lights and that is only in the back. If construction vehicles have blue lights then report to TxDoT.

Q: What kind of explosives are being used?
A: This is not being disclosed, but signs to look for include leaking fluids, wires, banged up appearance or unofficial writing.

Q: How are gaps in services filled when an officer is placed on leave due to officer-involved shooting?
A: Overtime hours of other officers. Approximately 50 hour work weeks are done by police.

Q: When will patrol cars be ready?
A: Targets are still being hit, so we are seeing progress.

Wooten Neighborhood Planning Contact Team ( WNPCT) notice – Adam Turner

Next meeting is at Baby Greens next Monday at 7:00 pm.

Suggestions, Requests and Feedback

Would be helpful to review the differences between the CodeNext petition coming to vote versus council approval.

More information from Neighborhood Housing and Community Development related to the land near Burnet Middle School.