May 13th, 2024 Wooten NA Minutes

Officer Reports

Treasurer Patty gave reports on bank balances:

Checking: $1116.59

Savings: $25

Park Fund: $2384.22

Parks Committee Chair Seju reports doing a rock painting project

President Sandra reported that Wooten Elementary and Burner Middle School are being renovated

Rezoning of Pink Gorilla Tract

Steven introduces by describing the role of the Neighborhood contact team. Responsible for recommending (or not) the rezoning.

Describes goals from the contact team.

  • Want it to be nice and walkable, and potentially try to have a grocery store.
  • Also a great place to try to get a future project connect station
  • Walkable is a challenge, particularly for people trying to get to the transit center
  • Interested in affordability.
  • Open spaces like parks
  • Make parking not the main thing we see

The rezoning is scheduled to be at the planning commission on May 28th.

Discuss some of the neighborhood context. Tom Wald discusses the status of Redline Parkway. Adam Greenfield talks about how Safe Streets can support with legal support.

John discusses significant Planned Development Agreements (PDA) designed for very large, unique one-off projects. Used by industry.  The City Council changed the PDA to allow it to be attached to other zoning changes. Without that they would have likely needed to get a PUD, which has a much higher administrative burden. PDA can be more unique and stray from the PUD requirements.

Alice Glasco, landowner’s representative, explains that some of the things requested can’t be enforced by the City Council. But those things can be addressed in a restrictive covenant between the land owner and the NA (with support from other organizations like Redline and Safe Streets Austin)

Alice address the list that Steve sent. She says that one of the landowners wasn’t available so another response will be necessary. That response was sent May 15th and can be viewed here.

Item no 5 Transit Connectivity

  • As landlords, they can’t plan for project connect connectivity, that would need to be from Cap Metro
    • Steven Responds that even though the letter is addressed to Alice/owners, we wanted to get all our requests in one place.
  • Alice discuss plans to connect dale in their plan, and that it is part of the Austin strategic mobility plan. (Austin Strategic Mobility Plan |
  • Also discussed that commercial design standards require internal streets for this site.
  • Staff will support CH-PDA at 120 feet
  • Alice meet with Chito and said he was amenable to 250 feet with many of the request, provided that the Contact Team agrees.
  • John suggests looking at Brodie Oaks PUD as a comparis as it has become the standard

Bryan asks who enforces covenants. NA is a party to the covenant and can file suit. But also, lenders can assist in enforcing by withholding their services unless covenant was met. Also, Safe Streets can support with this.

Ryan asks Tom Wald about how we might have them help fund the redline. Tom says that at a much smaller site they helped funded design and that it’s a very small amount in the context of the whole development.

When it comes to transit connectivity, John says we can ask for space to be left for the train or other transit options even if Cap Metro has not provided input

Rick asks about straitening Anderson Square, and adding a signal there. Tim mentions that signaling that intersection is on the priority list to be paid by transportation impact fees.

Tom talks about whether we discussed what level of internal streets? Where do we want the pedestrian and bike flow?

Tim says he can try to line up a meeting with city staff to see what is required and what they would recommended.

Traffic analysis is available and was sent to Steve on may 15th and can be viewed here. It analyzed the project at 250 feet. It found an increase of in average daily traffic on both Anderson streets at 10% and Research Blvd at 27%

Next contact team meeting is June 10. Location To be determined, but likely at Redemeer Cafeteria.

New Business

Question about no parking signs from google fiber contractors.

Timothy ask for updates on water pressure situation. Several people responded that it has not gotten responded.

Google fiber almost everywhere.

Sandra reports Neighbors on Fairfield have complained about abandoned vehicles. Some have been there for 6 months. Sandra to touch base with Tim. Helps if you think they are stolen to report that.

Tom updated us on the upcoming events and News from the Redline Parkway

May 22nd  6pm Redline Park association is hosting Tai Chi and at Wooten Park.  Also, there is a community open house that is taking feedback.

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