Wooten Neighborhood Association Meeting – November 2022

  1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm. The meeting was held at the lunch room in the Redeemer School. The meeting was called to order by the president. 
  2. Introductions:  The attendees went around introducing themselves, including how long they have lived in the neighborhood and where they live. 
  3. Treasure Report:THere was no treasurer report as the Treasurer was not available. 
  4. Open Positions: We currently do not have a Vice President to serve the association so we need someone to volunteer and the President is also available.
  5. Reading of the Minutes: The minutes of the September meeting was discussed, including the conversation with Vela. 
  6. Neighborhood Events: A discussion arose about having a neighborhood event and bringing back Wooten Happy Hour. The event could occur at Genuine Joe’s or at Nosh Bevy. Both these businesses will be moving due to land development. 
  7. Park Update: There was Park Day with 25 people. They were able to clean out the rock from the Island and mulch many of the trees. 
  8. Old Business
    1. Tisdale Safety: The City of Austin website is considered more dangerous for driving. One thing that we can do to get more visibility on Tisdale issues is reporting of speeders, dangerous driving to the City.
    2. Items related to Anderson and Google Fiber are still being researched, but Google Fiber is still active. There is a ROW issue with Google Fiber and the City. 
    3. School Items: Posting on the website any issues. 
  1. New Business
    1. Website: The website is going through a reformation to get more information up there and get things digitized to get more engagement. Further discussions needed on the expenses. 
    2. More Neighborhood Activities: We would like to start doing neighborhood activities, but we need more volunteers and content creators to post and help with communications.
    3. Signs: We are discussing getting more signs.
  2. Dues: Neighborhood association dues are $5 per year and run from September to August. You have to be a paid member to vote. 

Close: The meeting ended at 7:30 pm.