Wooten Neighborhood Association Meeting – July 2022

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm. The meeting was held at the lunch room in the Redeemer School. The meeting was called to order by the president. 

Introductions:  The attendees went around introducing themselves, including how long they have lived in the neighborhood and where they live. 

Treasure Report: Laura Lomas Tomlinson went through the treasury report. We currently have $25 in Savings and $1411.80 in Checking. The Wooten Park fund has $1992.32 available. The Park Fund will be used for the Spring garden and the island on Burrell. Laura will be handing over Treasurer duties to Patty Ann  as she was elected in the past meeting.

Open Positions: We currently do not have a Vice President to serve the association so we need someone to volunteer. The President position will be available come November. At that point, the President will leave.

Wooten Planning Committee: An update was provided on the planning committee. The planning committee is there for any major changes that impact zoning. Through the committee, the neighborhood has a voice on any changes that impact zoning. 

The committee needs to continue to exist in order to address issues. There are no dues to join the committee. If you live, work, rent, or own property in the neighborhood, you can participate. Meetings occur every other month, opposite the Wooten meeting day. 

The next meeting will be on August 8. Elections will be held at the next meeting and they are planning to host the meeting online and link to it on Wooten website and social media. Check out the Wooten Facebook Page for details on the Zoom link.

Committee members explained that the neighborhood has a neighborhood plan, which was signed in 2004. The plan spells out the plan for the neighborhood. The plan has not needed an update as it is still current with the zone rules; the plan also includes development for fourplex to cottages. The plan is available on the website: https://www.austintexas.gov/page/neighborhood-plans-and-resources

Water Improvement Project:  Austin Water Work is working on a project called the Morrow and Gault Water and Wastewater Renewal Project. The project is halfway through and is focused on waste water. The City of AUstin has set up a website with more information: https://www.austintexas.gov/morrowgault

The project impacts both Wooten and Crestview and will last another year.  Austin Water will provide 48 hour notice when they shut off water. The notice of construction project was sent to the association: 

Questions arose about water pressure in the neighborhood as more houses are added in the neighborhood. The President said that they should have someone from the City come out and discuss improvements. A neighborhood representative for Rep Vela was at the meeting and stated that they will ask the city for more information.

Neighborhood Events: A discussion arose about having a neighborhood event and bringing back Wooten Happy Hour. The event could occur at Genuine Joe’s or at Nosh Bevy. Both these businesses will be moving due to land development. 

Park Update: Park needs more volunteers. Joanne was  going to set up a meeting with the park committee to see what can be provided by them. In the past, Austin Parks Foundation  would provide mulch and neighborhood volunteers would use it for the trees. The trees are being watered by neighborhood volunteers. A discussion was held on whether we could get the Park Foundation to provide potable water trucks or allow us to put rain collection items in the park as the volunteers are currently water jugs to water the trees.  

The next Park Day is in November.

Recognition: The neighborhood association thanked Joanne for all the things she does for the neighborhood. She is a significant part of the neighborhood and keeps us moving. 

Dues: Neighborhood association dues are $5 per year and run from September to AUgust. YOu have to be a paid member to vote. 

Close: The meeting ended at 7:42 pm.