Community Letter: Celebrating One of our High School Graduates

Dear Seth, 

Congratulations! We feel so lucky to have had front row seats to watching you grow to become the kind, funny, and intelligent young man you are today. It seems like just yesterday, we were walking you to Mrs. Moore’s kindergarten class. Now, we’re relishing these last days that we have together before you head off to the University of Texas. 

We can only imagine how frustrating it’s been for you to have to shelter-in-place when all you want to do is spread your wings. Your time is coming. We believe that you and the Class of 2020 will change the world; born in the wake of 9/11 and ushered into adulthood during a pandemic, you’ve seen so much good in the world, but you’ve also seen the cracks. 

As you go forward, remember that we love you always. Continue to feed your desire to seek out new places, new people, new perspectives. We can’t wait to see the man you will become. 

As Neil Gaiman said, “The old rules are crumbling and nobody knows what the new rules are, so make up your own rules.”

Love always,

Mom and Dad

Congratulations to all of our graduates from the Class of 2020!