November 13, 2017 – meeting minutes

Redeemer Lutheren School Cafeteria
President David Bouchard Presiding 
Meeting called to order at 7:00pm

Approval of Minutes

David called for approval of the minutes
Steven Rodgers moved to approved
Dave Thompson second the motion

APD Updates with Officer Chapman and Officer Mason

Crime overall is done however recommendation to lock cars was made as thefts from automobiles have been occuring at a rate of one per day. The officers did provide an update on a fatal shooting which occured in the community.

Question and Answer with Officers Chapman and Mason

Q: Where there Gun shots at Olen and Burnet?
A: Indviduals at a party heard gun shots.  Five units responded to report and checked out the area. Shell caseings were not found or anyother evidence of gun fire. Could possibly be a car back fire.

Q: Is there an update on the facility at 8007 Burnet Road?
A: There is a rumor that the facility is not having their lease renewed past December. The Abatement officer has no case at this time.

City Council Update with Michael Gaudini policy advisor to Lesile Pool

Michael provided an update on the 2016 Bond dollars and mentioned that at this time sidewalk fixes for Wooten seem likely. There is likely to be community engagement around what other projects need to be done. Some projects that have already been noted, such as

  • Putnam traffic calming
  • Pedstrian safety on Gault

For additional information about the 2016 Mobility Bond and to sign up for notification, see this website:
Domain area is being developed to include additional train stations and improved service to walnut trail area.

Utility bills have spiked for some clients. Recommendation to regularly check bill for any unusual prices. There is an App you can use to better communicate with Austin Energy. If there is an issue then an administative adjustment can be made or a hearing can be requested.

Amazon was not given an incentive from City Council to move to Austin. The Chamber of Commerce submitted a regional plan.

Question and Answer with Michael

Q: General quesions about various improvement projecs such as a flag near Genuine Joe’s and the speed cushions on Kramar.
A: No updates on either project at this time. Signs should be posted to indicate if any work is planned.

Q What is the name of the App to better communitcate with Austin Energy?
A: DropCountr App

WNA Treasure Update with Marilyn Rodgers

General fund: $1,799.58
Park fund: $5,518.18
Petty cash: $25.00

Dues to renew membership should be paid this month. Payment can be processed in person at the meeting with checks or cash or through the website.

Park Updates with Joanna Garrett

30 people showed up for It’s My Park Day. Facebook has before and after photos which demostrate how much was a accomplished.

Question and Answer with Joanne

Q: Is there a start date for the work with the Pavillion
A: Unknown at this time

Good News

While Wooten was not selected for the composting pilot, additional neighborhoods will be selected in Summer 2018. Neighborhoods bordering Wooten were selected so the selection of Wooten might be likely in the next round as the composting routes would not have to be greatly altered.

Nina from Shoal Creek Conservancy provided an update on the Shoal Creek trail plan. The trail will become a continuous path from 35th street to the Domain. This is a 13 miles extension. To leave public comments and see the planned trail visit the following website,

Mark Gayson stopped by to say thank you for the support of the AISD Bond. The next step is ensuring they maintain the trust of the community.

Caroling and Coco will occur on 12/10/2017.

The Wooten Neighborhood Planning Contact Team (WNPCT) at Lebowski Grill next Monday at 7:00pm.

Question and Answer with Nina from Shoal Creek Conservancy

Q: How Far does Shoal Creek go?
A: Farther than it seems. Some of it is underground.

Q: What will the surface of the trail be?
A: Design challenges exist around surfacing. Feedback has demonstrated a desire for a smooth surface but impervious cover is an issue.

Q: Will the trail be used for leisure or commuter purposes?
A:  Both, the intension is that it will be useful to many different types of people for many different reasons.

David adjorn the meeting at 8:00pm