WNA officer elections at the September meeting

As past WNA President Chris Gregory stated eloquently at the end of his term:
“WNA is a group of good (and interesting, funny, and caring) people who happily welcome all neighbors into their group and make them feel that they are a part. If you have thought about serving WNA as an officer, or becoming a member, please consider joining us at our September meeting when we elect officers.”

Officer duties:

  • The president runs WNA meetings and arranges for guest speakers, attending other meetings occasionally when issues of concern (such as nearby development) come up in the larger community. Also receives mail from the city concerning nearby developments.
  • The vice president fills in for the president when needed to run meetings and possibly attends other meetings to gather information.
  • The treasurer collects dues, records attendance, invoices newsletter advertisers, and keeps our legal status with the state up-to-date.
  • The secretary takes the minutes of the meetings and posts them to WootenNA.com, and maintains the member roster.

If you are interested in running for office, contact nominations@wootenna.com.