WNA November Meeting Minutes, 11/9/15

Wooten Neighborhood Association
November 9, 2015, Meeting Minutes

At 7:10 AM, President Joel Simmons called the meeting to order. By motion of the body, the minutes from the September meeting were adopted by unanimous consent, and posted to the Neighborhood Association website. Joanne Garrett offered the treasurer’s report.

  • Officer James Scoggins appeared on behalf of Austin Police Department, in Officer Judson Chapman’s place.
    • Officer Scoggins noted that there have been more than 35 criminal mischief reports in the neighborhood in the last 2 months.
    • However, Officer Scoggins noted that there had been no reports of suspicious persons called in as related to those reports. Officer Scoggins strongly encouraged all neighbors to report any suspicious activity, as that’s the only way that APD will increase patrols in the area.
    • Officer Scoggins also encouraged non-emergency calls if people are uneasy about dialing 911, calls can be made to (512) 974-5722.
  • Hannah Frankel offered an update on the park committee, and forwarded 3 options for improvement projects to Wooten Park. The options included:
    • A sand volleyball court, with additional trashcans
    • A set of picnic tables, with additional trashcans
    • A pavilion-style shaded area, with additional trashcans

A straw poll was held to determine priorities, but final decision was delayed until the January meeting to await more accurate price estimates after suggestion by neighbors. Any/all inquiries in the meantime can be forwarded to Hannah, at Park2@wootenna.com

  • Friends of Austin Neighborhoods made a presentation. It is a centralized advocacy group for neighborhood associations in Austin, and offered the Wooten Association to participate as a member. A vote will take place at the January meeting to consider membership.
  • Michael Gaudini, representative from Councilmember Pool’s office, appeared to answer questions from the group and provided a brief summary of goings-on at city hall.
    • Primary point of interest was potential traffic calming for areas within Wooten. No concrete plans exist as of yet, but several streets in the neighborhood are up for consideration for traffic calming. Mr. Gaudini is now a member of the neighborhood Facebook group, and is easily contacted there for additional questions.
  • One neighbor is coordinating food donations for the Food Bank at 3810 Speedway, as well as the drive at the St. Louis Catholic Church. He expressed a need for additional supplies as the holidays approach, and welcomes any/all donations. Those wishing to donate may do so at either food bank location.
  • Marilyn Rogers offered an update on the new crime watch signs. All but 2 have been hung at this time, and encouraged that people actually call emergency services if they should see any suspicious activity.
  • A card was circulated for Officer Judson Chapman’s recent child’s birth.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM by motion of the body.