Thanks for loving our park

parkday150926Wooten Park might seem like a quaint little park, but maintaining it is a big task, especially when you’re actually digging in the dirt to keep it beautiful. Try it sometime, and you’ll see why our wonderful volunteers are so important for carrying out the very necessary manicures that the city doesn’t do.

For the Wooten Park workday on Saturday 9/26, big thanks to everyone who helped, including Joanne and Jay, Laura and Dave, Hannah, Seaufy Peg, Donny, Donald, Bobby, Ryan, Autumn, Marilyn, Corey, and friends of Wooten Natalie and Dave2. Also to those who donated materials, and to Sunrise Mini-Mart for donating snacks. They’re all our heroes.

Take a little time to appreciate the work around the park’s main sign at Burrell and Dale, which got a good weeding and installation of weed cloth under the rocks to help keep the weeds and grass at bay. At another recent park day, volunteers plucked and primped the beds near the playground, which are still looking fabulous.

If you can’t volunteer but would like to contribute to future park projects, look to the left of this article for a link to donate through PayPal.

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