WNA November Meeting Minutes, 11/10/14

Wooten Neighborhood Association


Minutes from the WNA Meeting, November 10, 2014


President Chris Gregory called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. The minutes from September’s meeting were approved.

Victor Engel provided the Treasurer’s report. The previous balance was $1852.24. We received one check for $52.35 and deposits totaling $380.12, which leaves a new balance of $2180.01. This amount does not include the dues received at tonight’s meeting.

Chris noted that former City Council District 7 candidate Ed English was at the meeting. Ed expressed his thanks to the neighborhood for the support of his candidacy, and his ability to come to the WNA meetings. He said he still plans to stop by WNA meetings over the next year, and would love to help out neighbors who need something.

APD District Representative Officer Joe Hebbe’s reported that crime has stabilized in the neighborhood, with three vehicle burglaries, four home burglaries, two auto thefts, and three reports of mischief/vandalism over the last two months. All of these figures show a moderate to significant reduction from the previous two-month period. Officer Hebbe reminded neighbors that the holiday season is approaching, which may bring an increase in crime, so be on the alert for criminal activity. Victor asked about getting a speed limit sign that indicates a driver’s current speed to be placed along Anderson Lane near Genuine Joe Coffee House, and Hebbe said he would look into getting one there

Laura Tomlinson provided a Parks update. Neighbors landscaped the corner of the new Wooten Park sign, using funds from the Love Your Block grant. The project involved 96 volunteer hours, 36 new plants, $300 in in-kind donations of plants, $263 from cash donations, and 21 volunteers. We are still collecting funds or park fund. The next goal is new trash cans, possibly with lids, and new picnic tables. We are still in talks with AISD about support for the water fountain project.

Marilyn Rogers provided an Austin Neighborhoods Council update. In September, ANC had a forum for the mayoral/council candidates, and offered endorsements among those candidates who appeared at the forum. They endorsed Steve Adler for mayor, and Melissa Zone for District 7. ANC was opposed to the rail proposition, but in support of the ACC funding proposal. ANC voted to increase dues to $50/year, which would be due in January. Steve Rogers moved to provide $50 to continue WNA’s membership in ANC, and the motion was approved. Marilyn said roughly 300 neighborhoods are represented at ANC.

Chris mentioned that anyone interested in carrying on the responsibility of putting together the Wooten newsletter should contact him to discuss how this might happen.

Steve Rogers reported on the Wooten Neighborhood Plan Contact Team. Joshua Merritt is the new president, Steve is the vice president, and Opie Gonzalez is the attendance keeper.

Chris reminded everyone that there is plenty of information about the upcoming runoff debates for mayor and City Council at austindistrict7.org, which is run by Steven Zettner.

Dave Tomlinson mentioned that there was some tagging done on the east side of the railroad tracks, but he called it into 311 and it was cleaned up very quickly. The sign was an ‘A’ with a circle around it, so anyone seeing this sign (and others) should call 311 to get it cleaned up.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:33pm.