WNPCT meeting & elections — Monday, 9/15, 7pm

As Wooten sees new and updating establishments along its perimeter and growth in its interior, builders and businesses sometimes request changes in land use. The Wooten Neighborhood Planning Contact Team represents the neighborhood in these requests.

It’s time to elect a chairperson and secretary to a two-year term. Traditionally, these are very easy roles: six Monday nights a year with maybe 10 minutes of business a night, and afterward we stay to eat and socialize. Over the past 24 months, we had one item to address.

Even if you don’t plan to run for an office, please come out and participate in our community process.
•    Monday, Sept 15 at 7pm
•    Shu Shu’s (Burnet @ Ohlen)

Adam Turner, WNPCT Chair

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