WNA July Meeting Minutes, 7/14/14

Wooten Neighborhood Association


Minutes from the WNA Meeting, July 14, 2014


President Chris Gregory called the meeting to order at 7pm. The meeting minutes from May were approved.

Sarah Gregory provided a treasurer’s report. WNA received $374.97 in park donations and $10 in dues. We paid Office Depot $3.79 for printing the meeting agendas, and donated $50 to the Crestview Neighborhood Association for sponsoring a District 7 candidates’ forum in September. The current balance is $2008.44, which includes $641.18 for the park fund.

Chris welcomed various candidates for District 7 City Council, but reminded neighbors that there are no political discussions at WNA meetings. Candidates Melissa Zone, Jimmy Paver, Ed English, and Jeb Boyt were all in attendance.

APD Officer Joe Hebbe provided a crime update. From January to May 12 of this year, there were 25 vehicle and 19 residential burglaries, and from May 12 through today, there were only three of each crime, which is a good drop in crime. However, there were 29 family disturbance calls from January to May 12, and there have already been 19 such calls since May 12, which shows a spike in that type of call. Betsy Thaggard asked about traffic calming, and Officer Hebbe said the next time the issue would be studied would be October.

Joanna Wolaver from the Shoal Creek Conservancy spoke about the SCC’s efforts to preserve the areas affected by Shoal Creek, which includes Wooten. The organization is dedicated to improving both the creek itself and the Shoal Creek Trail.

Celso Byers from Capital Metro spoke about recent developments with Project Connect, which is a partnership between CAMPO (Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization), the City of Austin, Lone Star Rail District, and Capital Metro. Celso distributed feedback cards to neighbors, and encouraged those in attendance to continue offering input on the proposed corridors. Project Connect has proposed a 9.5 mile urban rail line, at a cost of $1.4 billion. Adam Turner asked about the reasons behind the decision to go below, at, or above ground level for the line. The urban rail line is not estimated to be operational until 2021, and it would run roughly parallel to I-35 along the most congested part (from 290 to Ben White Boulevard.). There are also four proposed Park n Rides at Highland Mall, Hancock Center, Grove Boulevard and Pleasant Valley Road.

Steve Rogers spoke about meeting with Austin Neighborhoods Council District 2 about the Burnet Road/Anderson Lane corridor planning by the city. This corridor includes Burnet from 45th Street to 183. There has been a call for a development planning study, which is similar to a neighborhood plan. The study was approved to evaluate the areas around the Burnet/Anderson corridor.

Marilyn Rogers explained that WNA agreed in May that we’d like to have representation at the Austin Neighborhoods Council (ANC). A neighborhood president and one additional designated representative can vote at ANC meetings, but anyone can go to the meetings, and it costs $35 for the calendar year for a neighborhood association to be a member. Megan Fanale and Adam Turner volunteered to attend if needed.

Chris explained that Kevin Weir from the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association has encouraged members to join mynna.com (My National Neighborhood Association). There will be a Lower District 7 Candidate Forum at 7pm on Sept. 26 at St. Louis Church Meeting Hall. The WNA executive committee previously agreed to donate $50 to help defray the costs of putting this event on.

Sarah explained that WNA officer elections are coming up in September, and four volunteers are needed to be on the “nominating committee.” Victor Engel, Betsy Thaggard, and Joanne Garrett volunteered with Sarah, who will lead the committee.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:03pm.

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