Free classes at Northwest Rec

Northwest Recreation Center
2913 Northland Dr.
Austin, TX 78757

Download the latest program guide here:

– FREE Teen Programs at Northwest Recreation Center
Totally Cool Totally Art (TCTA) and Teen Club
Details in our latest newsletter

– FREE Mandarin and Spanish Immersion Demo Classes
Ages: Birth to 5 years old
10:30 am @ Northwest Recreation Center
Spanish – December 5th and 19th
Mandarin – December 9th and 16th
Reserve your spot today:
A Child’s Garden of Language offers fun foreign language immersion classes for children from birth to age five. Classes are mixed-age classes where the children are immersed in foreign language for 45 minutes. During a five-minute review in English at the end of class the teacher explains the class and answers questions for the parents. The class consists of music, dance, books and other fun games to really engage your child while being immersed in the foreign language.

– FREE Sport Fencing Seminar
Your chance to learn and try this exciting Olympic sport.
“Teaching Self Discipline and Respect to Kids – Crossing off Bucket Lists for Adults.”
Meet Gary M. van der Wege
US Team ATHENS 2004, LONDON 2012, and six-time US national champion
December 4, Wednesday
6:00 PM