Community Dialogue: Live, work or play near Lamar & Justin Lane?

If you live, work or play near Lamar & Justin Lane, give input on the future of City-owned land near the Crestview and Brentwood neighborhoods.

Your ideas will be compiled into a “Listening to the Community” report that goes to the Austin City Council.*

Oct. 29, 2013 at 6:30 pm
-Open House: 6:30-7:00 pm
-Small Group Idea Sharing: 7:00-8:30 pm
Brentwood Elementary School cafeteria, 6700 Arroyo Seco, Austin
Open to the public.
Download the flyer.

*Further information from the Crestview list:
The City of Austin wants to know what our input on the future of the city owned land near the Crestview Station on 6909 Ryan Drive. The property is currently being used by Austin Energy and some council members would like the site to be used for affordable housing. However, there are several city ordinances that designates this site as an ideal place for a public park. We want to ensure that the previous planning efforts are adhered to and remind city council that they must honor the agreement with the residents of north central Austin.

Please take a small amount of time and make a large investment in our community by participating in the community dialogue. Your feedback will help the city set benchmarks for the quality of services it provides to its residents as well as help make decisions that affect our community.