May 2010 meeting minutes


Minutes of 10 May 2010

President Adam Turner called the May 2010 meeting, held in the Redeemer Lutheran Church cafeteria, to order at 7:06 PM. President Turner first went over the evening’s agenda. Marilyn Rogers then moved to approve the minutes as distributed; Steve Rogers seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.

Capital Metro representatives

The primary focus for the evening was a presentation by Capital Metro representatives John-Michael V. Cortez, community relations specialist, and Robert K. Okamoto, program-project manager. They spoke about Cap Metro’s Rails with Trails and Metro Trails initiatives, efforts to accommodate bicycle and pedestrian use of Capital Metro right-of-way. Plans were also to better connect neighborhoods with transit stations. Parts of the trails would not actually stay in the track ROW, as there was not sufficient space for pedestrian or bike traffic in some areas, particularly those places where additional tracks were to be built. The presentation and accompanying discussion lasted until 7:50.

Treasurer’s Report

Opie Gonzalez presented the WNA Treasurer’s report. In April, starting with a bank balance of $1,929.53 and a petty cash amount of $17.83, deposits were made totaling $115.00 ($100.00 advertisements, $15.00 dues); checks totaling $149.12 ($120.00 newsletter, $29.12 DreamHost) and $1.56 in cash (for postage) were paid, bringing the May bank balance to $1,895.41 with a cash balance of $16.27.

Community Announcements

Marilyn Rogers, WNA Community Relations Chair, announced several upcoming events:

  • Tuesday, June 1 – Commander’s Forum at McCallam High School, 6:30 PM
  • Thursday, June 3 – Last day of school at Austin ISD

Proposed Bylaws Amendment; Nominating Committee

President Turner brought up the proposed amendment to the Wooten Neighborhood Association Bylaws, wording for which was distributed to the membership via the Yahoo group. The intent was to clarify who was eligible to vote and when that privilege was bestowed. As per current bylaws, the WNA Board of Directors had discussed the amendment and drafted the wording to present to the membership for their vote. The section to be amended was read to the membership, as was the new wording, to be placed immediately preceding Article VI:

Any resident or business, as described above, applying for membership may do so by paying the annual dues fee. The Board of Directors must review and approve or reject each application within thirty (30) days of receipt of a paid application for membership and supporting documentation of residency. Verification of eligibility may include, but is not limited to, a driver’s license, a passport, a voter’s certificate, a utility bill (within three months of the current date), or a property deed or copy of the TCAD assessment. The supporting documentation must be presented with the membership form. A photocopy is acceptable if submitted by mail. If membership form and documentation and payment are submitted by mail, the review period will be based on the postmark. If approved, an applicant becomes a member eligible to vote at the end of the above 30-day period. Renewing members may be asked to verify eligibility. An individual who is no longer eligible to be a Resident or Business Member may still retain Association membership as an Associate without voting privileges.

Raymond Herrington moved to adopt the amended wording; LaVerne Stauffer seconded the motion. The amendment was approved.

It was noted that a nominating committee would be appointed in July to have a slate of officers to present to the membership at the September meeting.

Wooten Neighborhood Plan Contact Team (WNPCT)

Steve Rogers said that there would not be a need for the WNPCT to meet in May. The membership was reminded of the issues that the Contact Team would address.

Tree Registry/donation

VP Joy Roberts noted that Betsy Thaggard had donated a tree to be won by someone at the meeting. Roberts explained that the trees that WNA folks had planted at Wooten Park had leafed out. She mentioned the Great Austin Tree Roundup and added that a senior botanist at the Wildflower Center could help to explain the needs of various trees in the Austin area.

New Business

<>Mobile Food Vendors

Steve Rogers indicated that WNPCT had received notice about a public hearing (May 27) regarding the mobile food stands. A map should be available showing new areas (such as WNA) who have opted in to the more restrictive rules for mobile food vendors. The City continues looking into mobile food establishments.

<>Wooten Park

Improvements are still ongoing in Wooten Park, led by Michelle Smith of Texas Action for Healthy Kids with assistance of Boy Scouts, etc. A meeting was held with the City to review problems and options (may need to add to the berm, fix drains, add swales and sod). The City is looking for an Adopt-a-Park agreement to help maintain trails. A work day is scheduled for May 24. Some repair work is to be done before the focus returns to setting up education space for youngsters.

<>Sign Variance

A code variance has been requested for signage at Burnet/US-183. Three free-standing signs are allowed, a fourth is desired. Bright LED lights are proposed. The hearing has been delayed until proposed changes have been presented to neighborhood organizations. Following a description of the details, Raymond Herrington made a motion to tell the City that WNA objected to such an LED sign; LaVerne Stauffer seconded the motion. It was noted that this sign didn’t conform to other signage and was a danger. By general consent, the group agreed that the signage was not appropriate.


  • President Turner pointed out that there were a number of homes for sale in the neighborhood, and that neighbors should be keeping an eye on things.
  • Marilyn Rogers gave kudos to Mi Casa, a new restaurant across from Sea Dragon in Grand Central Station.
  • President Turner noted that the new grocery store, El Rancho, also in the Grand Central Station shopping center, was interesting.


A motion was made by Betsy Thaggard to adjourn the meeting; there was a second. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM.

The next WNA meeting is scheduled for 12 July 2010 at 7:00 PM.

Carolyn Spock

WNA Secretary

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