May 2009 WNA minutes


Minutes of May 11, 2009

President Adam Turner called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.

Guest Speakers:

No District Representative was available to explain the new APD Bureau divisions.

John Gillum, Austin Public Library Facilities Planning Manager, provided an update on the new North Village Library, 2505 Steck. The library will open May 30, 2009. Celebration begins as 9:00 am, and the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony is at 10:00 am. Mr. Gillum explained the reason for the delay is because being a very “green” building, the contractors had to be taught how to build a “non-conventional” building. The library has solar collectors on the roof, rain barrels, plaza with Texas-friendly landscaping, 60 parking spaces, and bike racks. Inside the library is built on a bookstore model. It has 11,000 sq. ft. of area with an entirely new collection of books, ample computers for adults as well as children, a meeting room, free wi-fi, a living room area with magazines, coffee machine, and a self check out area. Head librarian is Kathleen Kanarsky. Contact Kathleen if you are interested in tutoring or donating books.

General Meeting:

Betsy Thaggard made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 9, 2009 WNA meeting as written. The motion was seconded by Mary Lou Gibson. The minutes were unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Janie Riley reported a balance of $1,774.78 as of May 11, 2009.

Chair/Liaison Summaries:

Ø    Community Relations ­ Marilyn Rogers. No report.

Ø    Finance ­ Janie Riley ­ (See Treasurer’s Report)

Ø    Business/Community Development ­ Sarah Reams. No report.

Ø    Community Improvement ­ Larry Soucier. No report.

Ø    Technology ­ Victor Engel. No report.

Ø    School Liaison ­ Laurie Coker. No report. New School Liaison person needed. Laurie Coker sold her house.

Ø     Crime and Code Enforcement ­ Steve Rogers. Steve reported that according to a recording on his phone, A. J. Rodriguez, our current District Representative (DR), has gone back on patrol. He is not sure who the DR is for the Wooten NA area. Adam will contact the Director of DRs for clarification. The APD appears to be in a state of flux. Central West area is now part of the North Bureau.

Wooten Park Update: Adam attended a planning meeting with Michelle Smith. On March 16 at 8:30 am there will be a walk through the park to determine location of trails, raised garden beds, etc. The project has a large volunteer base including the Wooten Neighborhood Association, Boy Scouts, and Redeemer Lutheran Church. Michelle Smith is currently seeking city permits. Summer projects to include excavation of trails, and planting gardens. A question was raised about the playscape at the Good Shepherd Church that is not being used, and maybe have it moved.

Boo Fest 2009: Adam inquired about interest from the people in attendance about sponsoring another Boo Fest. Mary Lou Gibson asked what would be the motivation of having a Boo Fest since a lot of schools have activities around Halloween. Boo Fest was created to bring the Wooten neighborhood together, in addition to being a fundraiser. Laura Langfield, who was one of the co-organizers of Boo Fest 2008, said the rental companies and businesses in the area are supportive of the event. What it needs is more publicity, i.e., approaching the schools in the area. The parking lot was hot, so she suggested moving the event to the park, which would require permits. The raffle was a good money raiser. Bunny Merrill suggested approaching volunteers on the WNA list serve. Rev. Dr. Dietzel-Epstein and Star Garland mentioned that they are experienced in raising funds. It was concluded that WNA form a Planning Committee for Boo Fest 2009.

Newsletter: Adam announced that WNA would publish a newsletter every quarter. The first newsletter will be compiled in mid-June. It will be distributed door-to-door by volunteers and posted on the WNA website. The newsletter will be self-sufficient and pay for itself through ads. Betsy Thaggard wondered about the contents of the newsletter. It will have articles of community events, and information specific to the Wooten NA. An idea was to use the Community Impact magazine for examples of content. People were asked to submit articles to Marilyn by June 1. Betsy Thaggard will orchestrate the layout. It was suggested that literature be made available to the public at the grand opening of the library.


Regarding crime in the area, Mary Lou Gibson reported that a woman on Exmoor had a couple approach her to charge their cell phone. The couple got into a white van when denied their request. Be aware of people coming into your neighborhood and look out for your neighbors. Janie Riley reported that Mr. Marlborough, who lives on Renton, was knocked out of his wheelchair and his wallet taken while he was sitting outside his house. Betsy Thaggard said that Burnet Middle School kids are fighting on Ohlen as well as Putnam and Teton. 911 was called.

A motion was made by Janie Riley to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Steve Rogers. The business meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Next meeting is scheduled for July 13, 2009 at 7:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marilyn Rogers

WNA Secretary

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