WNA November Meeting Minutes, 1/24/09

President Adam Turner called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.

The minutes of the November 10, 2008 WNA meeting were unanimously

Treasurer’s Report: Janie Riley sent a report that as of 12/31/08 WNA has a balance of $1,884.18. Expenditure for this period is a PO Box for $42.00/year.

Guest Speakers:

District Representative AJ Rodriguez shared crime statistics for our area comparing 2007 and 2008. The two highest areas of crime in our area are Burglary of Vehicle, and Criminal Mischief, which is damage but no theft. Most of the crimes occur in parking lots on Burnet Road and 183. This information is available to the public by accessing the Austin City Connection Crime Viewer by Neighborhood Association or zip code, www.ci.austin.tx.us/gis/ CrimeViewer/crime. DR Rodriguez encouraged neighbors to join the CentralWestDR Group for information on current and upcoming events, at http://groups.yahoo.com.group/centralwestdr. Various neighbors shared criminal activities they have experienced. Anyone interested in slowing the speed of traffic on his or her street should call Officer Rodriguez at 974-4527, to be put on a list for a speed trailer,

Michelle Smith from Texas Action for Healthy Kids was the second guest speaker. Michelle received a $14,700 grant from Austin Parks and Recreation to make the playscape at Wooten Elementary more of a community area, i.e., community gardens, naturalhabitat, signs explaining the various plants. She has received support from Wooten Elementary and Redeemer Lutheran. When complete, Wooten will have the first Nature Playground in the city of Austin. This project lends itself to be a good community project. Volunteers are needed to make this project a reality. Steve Rogers told Michelle to notify WNA when to show up and what to bring. There are a lot of willing volunteers within the association who are eager to improve the community. An organizational meeting will be held in February. Michelle said she would notify WNA.


Laurie Coker has been selected as WNA’s School Liaison. Laurie will be responsible for contact with Burnet MS, Wooten Elementary, and Redeemer Lutheran with the hope of increasing dialog with the PTA at these schools.

Adam Turner requested volunteers for additional subcommittees and non-subcommittee roles, to include Crime, Transportation, and Distribution coordinator.

Chair/Liaison Summaries:

Ø Community Relations – Marilyn Rogers. Capital Metro will be having open houses for the new rail system in February. She will send out the dates for the various rail station events.
Ø Finance – Adam reporting for Janie Riley, Adam reported a balance of $1884.18.
Ø Business/Community Development – Sarah Reams. No report
Ø Community Improvement – Larry Soucier. No report.
Ø Technology – Victor Engel. No report
Ø School Liaison – Laurie Coker. Burnet MS is having a fundraising dinner.
Ø Crime and Code Enforcement – Steve Rogers. Adam Turner and Steve attended the Central West Commanders Forum on December 9. The Wooten Neighborhood is located in Zone 3 of the Baker Sector. Thepublic is encouraged to attend these informative meetings.
Representation from WNA reminds the DRs to pay attention to our area. Wooten reportedly has the highest burglary of Non-Residences of all neighborhood associations. Neighbors are encouraged to post their concerns to the yahoo group of the Central Command (see report of Officer Rodriguez above).

A motion was made by Melissa Winans to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Michael Tuohy. The business meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm. Neighbors were asked to stay and complete a survey for the Wooten-Crestview Neighborhood Plan, ranking their top five concerns in various categories of the plan. Results will be tabulated and shared with Crestview NA.

Next meeting is scheduled for March 9, 2009 at 7:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Rogers
WNA Secretary