Minutes of September 8, 2008
President Danny Langfield called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.
The minutes of the July 14, 2008 WNA meeting were unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Janie Riley reported that WNA has $1,620.92.
Guest Speaker: Matt Curtis, from Capitol Metro, announced that bus fares would increase effective October 13. Bus fares will be 75 cents, and rail $1.50. Old tickets/passes will be honored until December 31, 2008. Matt left flyers regarding the new fares. Laverne Stauffer questioned why she still hasn’t had the grass cut on the ROW along the track behind her house. Matt said Cap Metro was aware of the tall grass, and that the contractors “dropped the ball”. Michael Tuohy reported a two-inch gap on Anderson Lane where road repairs were being made. Concerns were expressed regarding the freight trains running after 7:00 pm, as well as the length of the trains.
Committee reports:
- Membership – Danny Langfield reported that the Membership drive took place the first week of September. A packet was hung on every residence’s door/mailbox. Included in the membership packet was a magnet outlining the boundaries of the WNA, and meeting dates, a letter from Danny explaining the significance of WNA, and a flyer promoting the Octoberbash fundraiser. Ninety percent (90%) of the streets within WNA boundaries were covered. Streets remaining are Gault, Tisdale, Belford, Mahoney, South side of Ohlen, South side of Renton, and Exmoor. Volunteers were asked to pick up packets after the meeting. If there are too many leftover packets, it was suggested to remove the magnets and do another membership drive. Adam Turner talked to 5-8 people while distributing the packets. Newcomers didn’t know the name of the neighborhood association, or that it even existed. The question remains as to the best way to conduct an affordable membership drive.
- Technology – Victor Engel: Contact Victor < brillig@gmail.com> for instructions on how to join the WNA yahoo group. Elaine Granof encouraged people to join this list serve to post concerns and announcements.
- Budget and Finance – Janie Riley: Danny Langfield and Janie Riley reviewed the budget. WNA had a paid membership of 51 people in 07-08. Four out of 6 meetings were sponsored by neighborhood businesses at $250 each. Expenses included business cards, letterhead stationery, web hosting, acquiring a domain name for 5 years, meeting signs, fundraiser expenses to grow the membership, and a 20% reserve fund. Danny explained efforts were made the first year to build Wooten NA from the inside.
- Crime and Code Enforcement – Adam Turner: Statistics of crime in the neighborhood were discussed. The top ten crimes in order of occurrence for the past year are: burglary of vehicle (156); criminal mischief (109) theft (107); family disturbance (90); leaving the scene of a crash/accident (75); disturbance (50); burglary non-residence (4); assault with Injury (47); burglary of residence (46); and harassment (38). A complete list of crime statistics is available from Adam. The Austin Police Department is divided into nine sectors. The WNA is in Baker sector, which is bordered by 183 on the north, I-35 on the east, 15th St on the south, and 360 on the west. Police representation appears to focus on campus. There are four District Representatives (DRs) on any shift between 10:00 am – 11:00 pm. Dana Mungia is the DR for Baker sector. There was a murder recently on Hearthstone. Shirley Wucher reported that there are women living as vagrants behind the lamp shop and insurance company on Anderson and Brockman. Shirley filed a report to 311.
- Social and Fundraising – Sarah Reams: The first annual fundraiser for the Wooten NA, Octoberbash, will be help on October 11 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm in the parking lot of Redeemer Lutheran Church, 1500 W. Anderson. There will be a costume contest, pie-eating contest, hot dogs, sodas, a silent auction, and a raffle. Volunteers are needed before and after the scheduled time. Ten people are needed to put up yard signs. The UPS Store on Research donated the signs. Laura Langfield had a sign-up sheet handy to recruit volunteers.
- Community Relations – Marilyn Rogers: Events of interest to the community include: Against Crime on Rundberg Lane, October 4; North Austin Coalition of Neighborhoods Meeting, October 15; end of Voter Registration, October 6; Christine Muller from Foundation Fitness is holding a fundraiser for HAND Sept 28 from 1:00- 3:00 pm; Zoombaz coffee kiosk on Burnet Road is closing at the end of the month; FAMSA opened where the old Albertson’s was on Ohlen; Neighbors Night Out on October 6 at Janie Riley home at 1804 Teton starting at 6:00 pm.
- Transportation – Beverly Kimbrough: no report
Old Business
Vice-President Carolyn Spock reported on the 2004 Wooten Neighborhood Plan. It combines the Wooten and Crestview NA for city development plans. Carolyn reviewed the plans for the WNA, and discovered that 15 sidewalks were planned, and only one completed. There were also to be designated bicycle lanes. The 2004 Plan was basically not implemented, and “fell through the cracks”. A new planning team will be developed this year, and Carolyn and been in contact with the city and Crestview NA. Larry Soucier requested a copy of the 2004 Plan. The Plan will be posted on Yahoo.
New Business
The Nominating Committee of Mary Lou Gibson, Laverne Stauffer, and Steve Rogers submitted names of people who were willing to serve as officers for one year, and election ballots were distributed to paid members in attendance. Officers for 2008-09 are:
President: Adam Turner
Vice-President: Carolyn Spock
Secretary: Marilyn Rogers
Treasurer: Janie Riley
Dues was collected for the next fiscal year, and sign-up sheets were passed around to volunteer for the Octoberbash.
Adam Turner motioned to adjourn the business meeting, seconded by Janie Riley. The motion was approved, and the meeting adjourned at 8:26 pm.
Next meeting is scheduled for November 10, 2008 at 7:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Rogers
WNA Secretary