May 2008 WNA minutes


Minutes of May 12, 2008

Vice-President Carolyn Spock called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.

The minutes of the March 10, 2008 WNA meeting were unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Janie Riley reported that WNA has $1,330.92.

Guest speakers were Dana Munguia and Armando Rodriguez, senior police officers and our new District Representatives (DRs) from the Central West Area Command of APD. The Central West Command is staffed for five DRs, but they currently have only three, so the DRs are sharing the area within the boundaries of the Wooten NA. Baker 3 sector, where WNA boundaries lie, cover Anderson on the south, 183 on the north, I-35 on the east, and Mopac on the west. DRs Munguia and Rodriguez will try to be present at all WNA meetings. They have driven through our area, and gone out with representatives from Code Enforcement to familiarize themselves with our neighborhood. Two events to be sponsored by the Central West Area Command are VIN etching from 10:00 – 2:00 pm on Thursday, May 15 in the parking lot of 2538 W. Anderson, and the Commanders Forum at 6:30 pm on May 22 at the Highland Hills Baptist Church on Balcones. To address the problem of increase in burglary of vehicles during the summer, the DRs described Operation Mousetrap. Officers put flyers on cars in parking lots “grading” drivers on security of their car and car’s contents (i.e., purse on seat, door unlocked, CDs visible). Officers Munguia and Rodriguez distributed business cards to those in attendance. Contact information:

Dana Munguia, 974-5440, <>

Armando Rodriguez, 974-4527, <>

Lucy Monsivais, Admin. Asst., 974-5340, <>

Ad hoc committee reports:

· Technology – Victor Engel: Carolyn Spock reported in Victor’s absence. Victor has upgraded the software for the website. All postings continue to be submitted to Victor first. He will post instructions on joining the wootenna yahoo group and tutor officers in maintaining the website. It was suggested that membership forms be put on-line. A member asked if Wooten NA should invest in a post office box. Carolyn Spock informed the group that P.O.s have their own zip codes (Northcross PO is 78766), and Wooten NA would not appear on the city web page when someone is searching by zip code.

· Budget and Finance – Janie Riley: (no report)

· Crime and Code Enforcement – Adam Turner: Adam met the new Sergeant of Baker Sector two weeks ago, and planned to meet the new DRs. Adam encouraged members to go to the Commander’s Forum on May 22. Steve Rodriguez, from Code Enforcement explained to Adam that Baker Sector is ten times larger than Ida (our previous APD sector), and the sector is currently understaffed. Participation from the community is a must to uphold the livability of our neighborhoods. Mary Lou Gibson described a good experience with code enforcement officers in the cleanup of the property of the Lulen Apts, at 2301 Ohlen Rd. Kay Tuohy asked the WNA to opt-out of the lawn-parking ordinance. She and her husband live on Wooten Dr, and they were ticketed for having an RV in their front yard that was unscreened. The family was fined $2000. She questioned why we were turning each other in. They had to move their RV to the back yard, damaging the side of their house in the process. Never before has she had a problem with her neighbors, and now she feels like she can’t trust people anymore. Kay asked that WNA form a neighborhood support team. Steve Rogers reviewed the history of WNA and its decision to initially not participate in the yard-parking ordinance. Then the feeling of the group changed as it realized that the ordinance helped the police enforce the law when needed.

· Social and Fundraising – Sarah Reams: Sarah announced plans for the 1st Annual Wooten NA October Bash on Saturday, October 18th, 2008. She distributed a handout requesting volunteers. The tentative location for the event is Wooten Park. There will be music, food, costumes, candy and activities for the kids, and a silent auction. Volunteers are needs to help make this event a success. Volunteers are needed for activities, entertainment, food/beverages, logistics, public relations, silent auction, and sponsorships. Contact Sarah Reams at, or 924-1619, and let her know how you can help. Question from audience: “What will the money be used for?”

· Membership – Betsy Thaggard: no report. Carolyn Spock reported that another effort to contact everyone in our area will be made between now and July.

· Community Relations – Marilyn Rogers: no events to report.

· Transportation – Beverly Kimbrough: no report

Old business items discussed were the Neighborhood Contact Team and the library.

The Neighborhood Contact Team was established in 2004, but somehow the Wooten NA “fell through the cracks”. Originally Wooten NA was paired with Crestview NA. WNA has the option to continue to be paired with Crestview, or have a separate development plan. Members of the Neighborhood Contact Team must include a representative from WNA, a business owner, a resident landlord, and a resident renter. This Team becomes the lead contact when changes are requested from zoning requests.

The library being built on Steck and Burnet projects an opening date in January 2009.Progress is being made on the roof and rainwater collection.North Shoal Creek NA wants the name to remain North Village Library.There was no objection from the membership regarding the name.

New business items included announcements and questions.

Michelle Smith from Texas Action for Healthy Kids has grant money available for a natural park to include walking trails and garden areas. Wooten School is one of three schools being considered for this grant. The support of the neighborhood is being requested.

Progress on the playscape at Good Shepard Church on Putnam was questioned. The playscape was closed after being constructed by the Austin Police Department during Project Hope, because the ground cover was not safe. Texas Parks may have grants for improvements such as that. Marilyn Rogers will continue to dialogue with Pastor Ruiz to look at all options. Presently, the elders of the church are concerned about liability issues regarding the playscape.

Steve Rogers announced Beautification Day at Burnet Middle School on Doris from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, Saturday, May 17. Volunteers are needed.

Again the question was raised about what we are doing with Wooten NA money. Response from officers was pay for a direct mailing to all residents within our boundaries, and help supply ground cover for the church.

Allan Shear lives on Kromer, and granite slabs are being ground behind his house. He encouraged members to come look at the dust that is constantly present. Adam Turner suggested contacting Code Enforcement.

Adam Turner motioned to adjourn the business meeting, seconded by Debbie Danforth. The motion was approved, and the meeting adjourned at 8:07 pm.

Next meeting is scheduled for July 14, 2008 at 7:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marilyn Rogers

WNA Secretary

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