WNA meeting overview for March 14, 2022

We had a good turn-out at the first WNA Meeting we’ve had in quite a while – 20 people were in attendance!

The main topic of discussion was the need to elect new officers. We will hold a special election at the May 9th meeting. If you’re interested in throwing your hat in the ring or have questions regarding what the various positions entail, please send an email to: President@wootenna.com. (I can speak from experience, it’s not difficult — I’ve held all 4 positions over the years)

In order to serve as an officer and/or vote in elections you must be a dues-paying member. The fiscal year runs Oct-Sept and dues are a bargain at $5! Membership is open to all residents (owners and renters) of Wooten as well as business owners. Boundaries are: 183, Burnet, Anderson and Anderson Square. Please see below for ways to pay.

We also had a presentation by Melanie Zumm who has been in contact with the City to discuss traffic calming solutions as well as lighting in the neighborhood. This has been a hot topic and will, no doubt, continue to be discussed at upcoming meetings.

There was an overview of the history of Wooten Park improvements including the recent revamping of the corner bed and It’s My Park Day as well as a call for volunteers to get involved to ensure the park continues to be a welcoming space. If you’d like to help, contact: park2@wootenna.com.

We discussed the need to resurrect the Wooten News website as well as regular newsletter distribution plus other ideas to create a sense of community (like bringing back the popular Wootenannies!) As you can see, there’s lots going on and we hope you’ll be a part of it! There are several was to join the WNA. Through PayPal – join@wootenna.comor Venmo – @treasurerWNA. By mailing a check to: WNA, PO Box 10171, Austin TX 78766 or better yet, bring cash or check to our next meeting on May 9th!