September 2007 WNA minutes

Wooten Neighborhood Association
Minutes of 10 September 2007

President Marilyn Rogers called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
in the Redeemer Lutheran Church cafeteria, starting just as a rain
storm hit the church. She indicated that she would try to end the
meeting by 8:00 so members who wished to might attend part of an
Responsible Growth for Northcross meeting running concurrently.

Our guest speaker for the evening was Jessica Cook, the
Development Manager for Girlstart, whose offices were across Lazy
Lane from Redeemer. She explained that Girlstart exists to help
(primarily) middle school girls keep their interest in math and
science. There are several different programs – Expanding Your
Horizons, a one day workshop in March; Saturday camps, a summer
program, and after-school clubs were described. Most programs accept
girls on a first-come, first-served basis. Many are on scholarships;
some programs are free (supported by grants and donations). Word
about the programs is spread through the web, a network of teachers,
and occasions when they get media exposure on news programs.
Girlstart has not yet tracked the progress of the girls in their
programs due to complexity and cost, but there are plans to do so.
Ms. Cook left brochures and flyers for WNA members to distribute.

Election of Officers
This informative start to our meeting was quickly followed by
the handing out of ballots for an elections of officers for
2007-2008. A membership list was available to help folks remember
whether or not they had paid their dues. President Rogers read the
duties for the officers and asked for nominations from the floor;
there were none. The ballot offered Danny Langfield as President
(currently our Vice-President), Carolyn Spock (currently our
Secretary) or Adam Turner (lives on Villanova, has been a Wooten
resident for ca. 2 years) as Vice-President, Marilyn Rogers
(currently our President) as Secretary, and Janie Riley (long-time
resident, mother of former APD DR Jim Riley) or Victor Engel (set up
Yahoo group and website) as Treasurer. Don Glenn moved that the
nominations close, and a short break was taken as members completed
their ballots and passed them to President Rogers to tally.
The Citizen Communications described below took place before
the election results were announced at 7:24 PM. The new WNA President
will be Danny Langfield, Carolyn Spock will be the new Vice-President
(a close race, with a one-vote majority), Marilyn Rogers will be the
new Secretary, and Janie Riley will be the new Treasurer.

New Business/Citizens’ communications
<>Brandywine Condominiums
Carolyn Mezger, a Brandywine Condominium resident for 24 years
and a board member there, said that the residents were having
problems with neighbors who are ignoring the yard parking ban. They
have complained to the authorities, but the cars are gone during the
day when the property is checked. Also, a neighbor at Contour and
Ohlen isn’t keeping his grass cut, and has an accumulation of limbs
there, too. In addition, the condos have had difficulties with trucks
parking in the Albertson’s lot pushing through the fence and
landscaping. Kay Vargas at the North Central Command office has
indicated that APD is pretty intensely focused on the high-crime area
at Rundberg and Lamar; Code Enforcement hasn’t been responsive. Ms.
Mezger hoped that WNA would write a letter in support of clearing up
these problems. V-P Langfield noted that our association does cover a
large area; he asked if any of the condo’s officers were WNA members
(she wasn’t sure, but remembered that their board president, Scotty
McNutt, had come to meetings in the past). Some neighbors offered
suggestions about individuals or numbers to call for assistance. At
one time some vagrants had been arrested and the area cleaned up
under the direction of the city. Taking photographs of the offending
properties was suggested; persistence was going to be needed,
particularly with the yard-parking problem. V-P Langfield encouraged
their residents and officers to become involved in WNA.

There was some discussion about the closed Albertson’s store,
how the property was being handled, and what might take its place.
Adam Turner has looked into what business might go into the facility
and has made an effort to see that Albertson’s and property managers
know what is going on there.

Transportation Around Northcross
President Rogers said that Capital Metro was announcing plans
regarding bus stops around Northcross. Currently planned is a
transfer center on the west side of the mall property near the
detention pond, and a pull-out on the north side in front of ABC
Bank. Still under discussion is the east side stop on Burnet Road.
The Allandale Flyer will be able to access the entire parking lot to
drop off and pick up riders.

General Commentary
President Rogers thanked the officers that had served with her
and noted that the minutes for the evening’s meeting would need to be
produced before the change-over at the bank could become official.
The next WNA meeting will be on November 12. Dues will be
payable at that time (dues year starts in October, $5.00 per voting
Danny Langfield commented that the Yahoo group listserv Wooten
NA was a good place to distribute neighborhood information.. V-P
Langfield (soon to be President) said Victor Engel had seemed
interested in getting a WNA website up and running, and that he would
like to appoint some committees and spread out duties (committees
such as the website and Code Enforcement). He will add to the
listserv neighborhood e-mail addresses of those currently not on the
listserv, but it would require a Yahoo ID (free sign-up). This would
make a central hub, but it may get split up so that non-business
commentary (garage sales, etc.) would be posted elsewhere. Steve
Rogers noted that group e-mail messages were to be informational
(info about upcoming meetings, etc.).
Hope Morrison thanked those that had agreed to be nominated for
office. Regarding WNA duties, Steve Rogers commented about the WNA
yard signs that were put up before meetings, and noted that Dale
Ritzen alerted those with signs to put them up. LaVerne Stauffer
calls members without e-mail to tell them about upcoming meetings.
President Rogers thanked all those helpers.
We were reminded again that dues expire at the end of September.
There was no more business. Don Glenn moved to adjourn the
meeting (among several offering the motion); Janie Riley seconded.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.

Carolyn Spock

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